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Does Glaucoma Prevent Cataract Surgery?

Lively Older Man Riding His Bicycle, Laughs And Enjoys Life. SenFor those with clouded or hazy vision, cataract surgery can work wonders in restoring crisp and clear vision. However, if you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, you might be wondering whether cataract surgery is a safe option. Below, we’ll discuss glaucoma and explain why it doesn’t prevent cataract surgery.

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma refers to a group of eye diseases where the loss of vision is due to optic nerve damage due to a buildup of pressure inside your eye. This condition generally displays no early warning signs, and can only be detected with a comprehensive eye exam. If not treated early, glaucoma will first lead to peripheral vision loss and ultimately permanent central vision loss.

Glaucoma, like cataracts, affects mostly the elderly. Therefore, many patients with glaucoma over the age of 50 or 60 may also be concerned with developing cataracts.

How Does Glaucoma Affect Cataract Surgery?

In short, it doesn’t.

In fact, cataract surgery may (at times) even lower high intraocular pressure, making it a great option for those with glaucoma.

Furthermore, it may be possible for the eye surgeon to perform a minimally-invasive glaucoma surgery during cataract surgery.

If a patient with glaucoma undergoes cataract surgery, it is vital to closely adhere to the post-surgical instructions for optimal safety. Internal eye pressure can rise during or in the hours following cataract surgery.

Does glaucoma prevent cataract surgery? from EyeCarePro on Vimeo.

If you have glaucoma and are interested in undergoing cataract surgery, schedule an appointment with EYEWORKS Ophthalmology Center today. Dr. Richard Chu  will offer you a comprehensive eye health evaluation to identify any risks (such as glaucoma)  that could rule out surgery.

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